Cooper Orthodontics

Our Blog

Staggered Schedule Opening at Cooper Orthodontics


To Our Cooper Orthodontics Family, 

We would like to thank all of you and let everyone know how much we  appreciate your continued support and patience during this crazy time. It has not been an easy time for many and we count ourselves fortunate to be able to offer the same quality service to our Cooper Orthodontics family. 

It is with great anticipation and excitement that we will begin seeing patients in-office on a staggered schedule during the next few weeks! Our roll-out of appointments will reflect the most urgent cases to begin with and then expanding over the following weeks to encompass a broader scope.

In order to protect your safety and ours, we ask that you submit photos through Dental Monitoring or complete a Doxy video call to help plan for your scheduled clinical appointment. During this time we require the submission of photos or Doxy video call with Dr. Cooper in order to conduct your reserved clinical appointment efficiently. Please be aware that, per our new distancing guidelines, we will only be able to schedule appointments once the digital criteria have been met by each patient. This will help us to better serve and prioritize the safety of everyone. 

Also, please ensure that you brush your teeth and floss prior to your appointment. Doing so in the comfort and safety of your home greatly reduces the potential for cross contamination.  

Lastly, we ask that you fill out the AAO Covid-19 Questionnaire prior to each of your appointments so we can be assured everyone is taking the precautions necessary to keep you and all patients safe. Any sign or symptom of COVID-19 or contact with someone who exhibits these signs and symptoms will, to protect our other patients and staff, result in the postponing of a scheduled appointment for at least 2 weeks after symptoms have dissipated. 

The day of your appointment we will verify, upon your arrival, your completed AAO Covid-19 Questionnaire and the front desk staff will check you in. Please keep in mind that we are limiting the number of patients and companions in the office at a given time. Additionally, to keep the air germ free we  are limiting aerosol producing procedures that require the use of a handpiece & dedicated high speed suction.

Again, we thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation as we work to provide a safe clinical environment for all!


– Dr. Cooper and Team

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