How Dental Monitoring Makes Clear Aligner Treatment More Custom

    This week Dr. Cooper went live talking about how Dental Monitoring makes clear aligner treatment more custom! Believe it or not Dental Monitoring is the future of orthodontics- so we might as well fully jump in now even though it can be a little confusing and different when you first start. Rest assured […]

Clear Aligners vs. Traditional Braces

Clear Aligners vs. Traditional Braces This week we went live talking about the difference between clear aligners and traditional braces. People ask me all the time which one I recommend so I decided to create a discussion Live on Instagram about it! We had questions flooding in once the topic started rolling and so I […]

Virtual Appointments With Dental Monitoring

Virtual Appointments With Dental Monitoring   Hi everyone!  This blog is a short blurb from our Instagram Live video that we hosted last week. We talked about what dental monitoring is and how it is beneficial for our patients during this time while Covid-9 is spreading. In addition, at-home monitoring is a great way to […]

Pricing: The Bottom Line

Pricing. The bottom line: every patient ultimately wants to know what it costs. There are lots of ways to shop and no one way is wrong, they are all simply different. For example, if you want some shoes. You can go online, search for your parameters, compare prices with other websites, order 3 different sizes, […]

Teeth Truths: Clear Aligner Trays

Welcome to another episode of the Bryn Cooper Show. Today is going to be a Teeth Truths episode that goes over some marketing claims from other companies. We will talk about what they are marketing and what we like about it and what we don’t and why we recommend what we recommend.  Listen to the […]

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