An Introduction to Reopening at Cooper Orthodontics

Hello everyone! We would like to start off by thanking everyone for their continued patience and support through this unprecedented time. With the landscape of recommended precautions and protocols being what it is, we would like to assure our Cooper Orthodontics family that we have taken protective measures necessary to help ensure the safety of […]

Pricing: The Bottom Line

Pricing. The bottom line: every patient ultimately wants to know what it costs. There are lots of ways to shop and no one way is wrong, they are all simply different. For example, if you want some shoes. You can go online, search for your parameters, compare prices with other websites, order 3 different sizes, […]

The Everlane of Straight Teeth: Episode 2

The Everlane of Straight Teeth: Episode 2! On Episode 1 of The Everlane of Straight Teeth, we discussed how orthodontists look at pricing. On Episode 2, we are going to look at how insurance companies break down pricing. Insurance Pricing Breakdown You may think, “Why would there be two different episodes? The pricing is the […]

The Everlane of Straight Teeth: Episode 1

The Everlane of Straight Teeth: Episode 1. Introduction to The Everlane of Straight Teeth: So here is the deal.  Medical & dental billing is annoying and confusing for everyone, including doctors and other healthcare professionals.  The American health care system is vast and complex.  Each state has its own rules and regulations, not to mention […]

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