A Smile That Lasts A Lifetime

    Hi everyone! Today I will talk about why we should be setting people up for a smile that lasts a lifetime rather than just fixing one more obvious issue at a time. There are a lot of quick fixes out there, we have attention span issues, and we live in this age of […]

The Gift of Self Care: Muscle Therapy & Orthodontia

Hello everyone! I am really excited to write this blog as it is based off of our monthly podcast with the theme of “Give the Gift of Self Care”. This month I interviewed Aeon Oliver-Terry who is a massage and muscular therapist and it will be interesting to pick her brain and learn how muscles […]

It’s All Connected: How Oral Health Can Affect Your Overall Health

Hello everyone! This blog post is based off our podcast this month and is a little different than others because of a special guest that I interviewed! This guest is someone who doesn’t have a huge background in orthodontics and had some questions about if and how oral health can affect our overall health! November […]

Efficiency in Treatment: How Much Longer?

This podcast episode and blog is based on a question I get in many different ways from different people: How much longer? Listen to the podcast here: Before answering that question for each patient, orthodontists are trying to evaluate how that patient is counting time. Is it the least number of appointments? Does it matter […]

Orthodontic Emergencies

Orthodontic Emergencies Whether you’re an old pro when it comes to orthodontic treatment, or anxiously awaiting your first adjustment appointment, it’s important to be aware of the minor issues that can sometimes pop up with braces. Many of these common orthodontic “emergencies” can be handled easily at home, but there are times a genuine orthodontic emergency may […]

Orthodontist or Dentist? When It’s Time For Braces, Who Is Better?

Orthodontist or Dentist? It’s not unusual for both dentists and orthodontists to have patients question what the difference is between our two professions. Many people incorrectly assume that the two are more or less interchangeable. While there are a number of similarities between general dentistry and orthodontics, there are also a significant number of differences […]

5 Reasons to Love Invisalign

invisalign up close

5 Reasons to Love Invisalign You’d likely be hard-pressed to find anyone among us who doesn’t desire a healthy, straight smile. However, for one reason or another, many people end up with misaligned or crooked teeth, which can be a problem for overall oral health as well as a knock to their self-confidence. Fortunately, a wide variety […]

What is Orthodontics? How can it help me?

Orthodontics: What and Why? When it comes to the dental profession, there can be a bit of confusion about what exactly different titles mean. This is completely understandable, since we share many common goals. Most centrally, each branch strives to keep people healthy and happy with the way they look and feel. We begin to diverge […]

Orthodontic Health Month

Why is dental hygiene health so important? Most of us are aware that poor dental hygiene can lead to tooth decay, periodontal disease and bad breath – but not brushing your teeth could also have consequences for more serious illnesses. Did you know that there is a link between poor dental hygiene and heart disease? Bacteria from […]

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